The body remained straight, but Ye Wu's thoughts drifted far away.,The Lu family was too lazy to investigate further. All they knew was that their heir was useless, and the one who shattered this jade piece was just a pile of rubble. 。Even the victims' families didn't want the perpetrator to go to jail; they wanted him to suffer a worse fate than death. 。These days, the Lu family has launched a full-scale attack on the Ye family. Now, the Ye family is on the verge of bankruptcy. 。,Today, I must meet Lu Xiao. 。In the cold wind, Ye Wu once walked to the door of the front hall. 。Slowly said: "Hello, please go in and report again." 。Tell Madam Lu that sometimes, the power of hatred is heavier than the power of love. 。Mr. Lu is unwilling to get up now, but if he saw me, the one who started all this, his anger towards me might, perhaps, give him the courage to continue livingThe doorman initially treated Ye Wu with disdain. 。But hearing Ye Wu say this, he hesitated for a moment, feeling that there was some reason in it. 。So, he made another phone call. 。。