Iron Man patted Hulk on the shoulder. "Calm down. Everyone here is worried about Captain, not just you. As long as you stay calm, I'll treat you to twenty servings of Boston roast pork back at base." Looking at Hulk shamelessly sticking out a hand, Tony said helplessly, "Fine, fine, fifty servings then!",Black Panther was just about to speak when Tony waved his hand. “Sorry, buddy, only three seats available. You stay behind and coordinate the overall strategy, keep an eye on the monsters' movements.” Black Panther nodded and had to give up the idea of going with them.,In a yellow Taoist robe adorned with the eight trigrams, Guan Heng, brandished his peachwood sword toward his old rival, and laughed boisterously: “I say, General, this is your four hundred and thirty-seventh time being cornered by me, isn't it Just obediently die!” Though only in his early twenties, he was the world’s only exorcist, having been doing this for nearly a decade.。