The Daring Wife of a

The Daring Wife of a

classification: Science fiction
update: 2分鐘前

But it's alright, the foundation is still good. Following the methods from my past life, I can now hold my breath for over two minutes in a basin of water. 。You Xiaoyan looked up with a puzzled expression and asked, "Sister, can I still eat eggs"Looking at his pitiful appearance, Youjie really wanted to hold him in her arms, but unfortunately, she was too small herself. She couldn't possibly hold him, so she could only... 。,Looking at the righteous indignation, Mrs. Gong wanted to find something to give him a good beating. 。"Hit me, just hit me. Then I'll run to the village and shout it out. Your mother-in-law will be protecting her own son from his former wife. I wonder if you two will even be able to stay in this village after that." 。"The older sister smiled up, looking as if she were afraid Gong Shi wouldn't dare to hit her." 。Meng Shi's face turned red, she took two deep breaths, and didn't know when it started, but she couldn't control this stinky girl anymore. She turned her big belly and walked in, just to avoid seeing what made her uncomfortable... 。,As for the stepmother, every day she would wear a big belly and act tough, piling all the chores onto others. While her stepdaughter Lan acted like a young lady, as long as their father wasn't around, she'd be lazy, and even when their father was present, she still just lazed about, acting like a complete slacker.。

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