Lin Yun remained bewildered. As the person drew closer, he finally saw their face. It was a frail girl with messy, somewhat yellowed hair that clearly showed signs of malnutrition.,This “Lin Yin” actually knew deep down that his humble and insignificant position had never been noticed by Qin Yu Tong. He was even clearer that at best, he was just a shield used by the other party to deflect other marriage proposals. But as long as he could occasionally glance at Qin Yu Tong from afar, he would be satisfied.,In this world of the Nine Continents, besides ordinary people like the original host, there are two other special types of people. One is a warrior who, with an ordinary human body, absorbs spiritual energy from the earth and cultivates元力 to achieve the ability to communicate with gods. The existence of warriors is nothing strange to Lin Yùn. In his previous life, he was a frequent viewer of these kinds of shows, so he understood this setting well.。