Strangely enough, ever since Ge Dongxu's parents agreed, Ren Yao suddenly became mostly lucid.,As he mumbled to his master and ate and drank, the five-jin jar of wine unexpectedly ran out. The sixteen-year-old Ge Dongxu, besides having a slightly flushed face, showed no signs of intoxication.,Seeing an altar of wine run dry, Ge Dongxu finally stopped muttering. He respectfully kowtowed three times to his master's grave, then rose and walked down a mountain path. 。The path was overgrown with weeds, clearly a well-trodden route. 。At the end of the path lies Gejiayang Village. 。Gejiayang Village used to be a very poor and closed mountain village. However, in recent years, Changxi County has vigorously developed tourism, and people from the city also like to go to the mountains for summer vacation and recreation. Gejiayang Village is located at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, the first highest peak in Changxi County, so it has been lucky enough to benefit 。In recent years, not only has the village been connected by roads, but also because of tourists coming to play, villagers have opened small shops in their own homes or farmhouses or guesthouses. They can make money just by sitting at home. 。To attract tourists, villagers even wrote about the village on ancestral halls, claiming that Gejiapang Village is the descendant of Ge Hong, a legendary Taoist scholar, alchemist, and physician from the Eastern Jin Dynasty. 。。