Shatuo King

Shatuo King

classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年11月12日

When Ye Youxiao heard this, he was taken aback. The two large bags of money already weighed dozens of kilograms, far exceeding his maximum capacity. 。He could only manage to carry it with sheer willpower—the driving force was money! Who wouldn't be driven by the weight of that much money Fueled by this, he managed to lug the two sacks of money into the shed. Just as he was about to reach his donkey cart, Li Jiuniang suddenly shouted, causing him to go limp and fall. Thankfully, the bags were tied securely and didn't burst open, otherwise things would have been much worse. 。Huang Siniang followed him, also carrying a bag of money. 。But compared to the hapless Ye Youxiao, she was after all a seasoned practitioner. Therefore, she merely casually placed her money pouch down, watching Li Jiuniang's every move before deciding how best to assist. 。,On the way, Youxiao had been chatting and laughing with Luo Yin, becoming quite familiar with him. Now, seeing me ask, he said:,"He is the great poet Luo Yin, whose courtesy name is Zhaoyan." 。During the Tang Dynasty, renowned poet Ye Housheng heard that this unsightly man was actually a great poet. He immediately bowed deeply and said:"Oh my! I am blind to have missed such a distinguished gentleman. Please forgive me for my oversight." 。"Luo Yin hurriedly supported Ye Hou Sheng and asked Ye Youxiao, "Sir, are you the father of this young man" Seeing Ye Youxiao nod, he quickly said, "Sir, please don't be so polite. My name is Luo Yin. Talking with Young Master along the way has been very rewarding indeed." 。When Dai Ye Hou Sheng straightened his back, Luo Yin looked at the cabinet and said to You Xiao, "You Xiao, it's best to put these bags of money away quickly so that we can speak with authority." 。The clerk heard the noise and quickly called his assistants. They brought in several bags of silver and placed them on the counter. He opened one and shook his head, sighing: "Brother Ye, this gold and silver are probably not suitable for everyday use..." 。Ye Hou Sheng heard that it was gold and silver opening, he hurried forward to take a look, and couldn't help but shake his head. 。The magistrate asked the servant to open the remaining bags. As expected, they were all filled with gold and silver from the Kaiyuan era. 。Ye Hou Sheng helplessly said, “Your Highness truly enjoys toying with us.” 。Offered two hundred strings of cash, who knew she gave all silver and copper coins from the Kaiyuan era, making it truly difficult to accept. 。"。

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