After several days of careful probing, I learned that this was the Ming Dynasty, an era known for its emphasis on the Four Books and Five Classics, as well as the Eight-legged Essay. It's a truly depressing realization; I can only look up at the sky at 45 degrees and feel deep introspection. Such a perfect match...,This is unbearable! When I get back, I must fight for the right not to wear crotchless pants.,“Sister-in-law, no boy child is truly not rambunctious, it's better to be tough. Don't scold little Zhuzhi.” Zhang shi, the third aunt, who was washing dishes by the well in the courtyard, looked at Zhuzhi with a hint of envy and persuaded Chen shi to calm down. Chen shi was only just thirty years old, but she had only one daughter, Zhu Pinyu, who was a year younger than Zhu Ping'an. So she envied Chen shi having two sons.”。