

author: at a glance
classification: metropolis
update: 2024年08月31日

Gangge's full name is Zheng Dagang. In his early thirties, his family used to be a long-time resident near the antique city. When the antique city was demolished and expanded, it took their old house, and they were compensated with twelve sets of commercial housing. So Gangge suddenly became a second-generation rich kid. His family lived in two sets, and the remaining ten sets were rented out. Zheng Dagang, who had been interested in antiques since childhood, simply quit his job and set up a stall in the antique market.,Su Xiaofan had been running a stall in the antique market for two years, Zheng Dagang always treated him like his little brother. Now that something happened, he naturally wouldn't back down. He stepped forward, putting himself between Su Xiaofan and the others, and said: "Several big brothers, let's talk this out. Xiaofan is young, if he has offended anyone, I will apologize for him.",But whoever broke this rule, the old man who created the Bronzeware Village would not show mercy. At best, they would be expelled from the village; at worst, sent directly to the authorities. As the saying goes, wealth moves the heart. Over these decades, there have been people who have had thoughts of breaking the rules, but they were all personally handed over to the authorities by the old man. The most serious case resulted in a fifteen-year sentence. After that, no one dared to break the rule again.。

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