Rebirth of the Urban

Rebirth of the Urban

author: <Lo-shu>
classification: fantastic
update: 3分鐘前

Every time he asked about it, his father would jokingly say that it was a snowy night, he had had too much to drink, and found a baby by the garbage heap. 。This left Luo Chen speechless. 。So Luochin didn't ask any more after that. 。On the contrary, when Father Luo saw Luo Chen remained silent, he was the one who spoke first. 。,Those guys in Class Three, Grade Three were causing a ruckus at school, and now there's a bunch of messes for Luo Chen to clean up. 。While Luo's father went to look at houses with Zhang Xiaoman's mother and others. 。According to Zhang Xiaoman's mother's idea, her own daughter is not worried about getting married and can put forward any conditions. 。And she had a plan, to marry her own daughter as well. After finding a good house, she would buy it, but the property deed must be in her daughter's name. 。,“Let me tell you, I’ve been putting up with you this whole time. You haven’t even dressed properly, and after looking at so many houses you still pick and choose. This one is too expensive, that one is too expensive…”。

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