My Amazing Female Te

My Amazing Female Te

classification: Science fiction
update: 11分鐘前

As soon as I said those words, the classroom fell silent. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes, including Gou, who looked at me in disbelief. They probably didn't expect me to say that to our homeroom teacher. When our teacher heard my words, her beautiful face twisted into something ugly. She angrily yelled at me: "Get out!",People might find it strange that I say the head teacher was "infiltrated," but I heard rumors about it. It's obvious from her usual attire, she either wears black or short clothes. Whenever she stands in front of the blackboard and writes, looking at her back gives me a kind of feeling... 。Everything inside the school is true. She has inappropriate relationships with many male teachers, and she was even investigated by school leaders. There's no smoke without fire. She often goes in and out of the principal's office. Moreover, within just three years of joining the school, she already received a promotion. The new staff dormitory building had limited spaces, originally only for veteran teachers. Yet, she managed to get a unit. If she wasn't connected with the principal, could this be possibleAfter I left the classroom with my homeroom teacher, he was going to take me to his office. 。,I thought to myself that the head teacher must have slept with a lot of men, so I boldly replied: What's wrong Did you forget about last night alreadyThe head teacher gave me an embarrassed look and said, "Ugh, how could people not know who you are" 。。

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