"Jìngjie, the Zhan family offered a high price to have you treat Zhan Qipei for infertility. Will you go" The boy wore a straw hat, a blue shirt, and yellow sneakers. He looked as country as he could. 。However, the face of that palm-sized girl under the burning sun was like a piece of high-grade mutton fat jade, white and moist. 。",Just as Qiao Jing was about to yield and ram into the man's vital point, the man's low and husky voice suddenly rang in her ear. 。",Thinking of this, Qiao Jing exerted herself, flipping the man over. 。 Zhan Qipei didn't expect the other party, who looked weak and frail, to have such strength. Could it be that he had overexerted himself and weakened "There's quiet over there!" The searcher heard the word "quiet" and rushed over with a cornstalk in his hand, appearing before Qiao Jing. 。"He's here! Kill him!" The masked assassin, holding a gun, was about to pull the trigger. 。。