"Comrade Li Yuan, please explain the mechanism behind women's menstruation.",Director Sun chuckled and said, “According to your master, when you first entered the factory that year, the Housing Department assigned you a former hallway converted into a room. It was short, dilapidated, and had no windows. You couldn't see the light all year round. It was damp and cold and couldn't be lived in for long. So this morning I went to the Housing Department and found Director Song. He said that there were two vacant rooms in your courtyard last month: a side room and an attached room, one large and one small, which are just right for the current cadre housing allocation standards. You can go to the Housing Department to pick up the keys in a while, and then register at the Street Office. Those two rooms will be assigned to you!”,...These places are simply the private domains of children from wealthy families. Even if ordinary people have money, they rarely go to such places...。